Vacancy Announcement Questions & Answers | Synonyms | Words Meanings | Important Questions | Neb English Notes


Vacancy Announcement Questions & Answers | Synonyms | Words Meanings | Important Questions | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes

Vacancy Announcement Questions & Answers | Synonyms | Words Meanings | Important Questions | NEB English Guide

Important Synonyms: Vacancy Announcement | Advertisement 

Vacancy: Place to be fulfilled, Emptiness

Wanted: Required, Needed, Demanded, Specify as compulsory, wish to have

Post: Position, Situation, A Job, Rank

Profession: Career, Occupation, Job, Business, Work

Experience: Having gained knowledge, Practical knowledge of the same work, Cognitive worth and practical abilities

Last date of submission: Deadline

Required number: Needed number

Subject: Topic, Area under discussion

Looking for: Seeking for, To see somebody, To see, Ask for, To find, Finding, Search for

Prestigious: Having a high status, Being reputed, Being highly regarded, Being putative

Renown: Famous, Putative, Reputed, Recognised, Familiar, Respected, Already known, Know again.

Rank: Position, High social standing

Well: Good, Comfort, Luckily

Salary: Remuneration, Emoluments, Payment, Wage

Academic qualification: Educational qualification

Urgently: immediately, Consistently, Earnest

Candidate: Applicants, Employees, Personnel taking an exam, A person who applies for a certain post

Eligible: Qualified, Able, Having proper qualifications, Competent

Submit: Present, Put forward

Discipline: An area of knowledge, Subjects

Perks: Advantage, Big amount of money, Benefits, Additional benefit

Personal detail: Curriculum vitae (C.V.), Description, Personal description, A brief account of somebody’s career, Bio-data, Resumes, Written records of somebody’s education, Jobs

Sex: Gender (male and female)

Marital status: (married or unmarried)

Beverage: Any type of drink except water

Fund: Savings amount, Finance

Preference: Liking, Importance, Favouring one person, Priority

Must: A thing that is compulsory; Necessity; obligation; Have to

Language: A Method of Human Communication

Interested: Aspiring, Willing, Showing Concern, Holding Attention

Negotiable: Open to discussion

Merely: Only, Just

Invited: Called, Contacted, Communicated, Telephoned

Interview: Oral test, Test somebody’s ability, A meeting at which somebody is asked questions

Observation: Watching somebody carefully

Skills: Ability to do something well

Application: A written piece of the letter, A written note

P.P. sized: Passport-sized

Possess: Own, Have something; Belong to one

Adequate: Sufficient, Satisfactory, Acceptable

Oriented: Directed towards

Literate: Educated, Well-read

Incumbent: An official

Upliftment: Improvement

To select: To choose

Certificates: Testimonials, Degree, Credential

Equivalent: Is equal to, equal to, The same

Encouraged: To give somebody support, help or assistance.

Energetic: Having a lot of energy, Showing energy

Personnel: Employer

To expect: Hope

Deputy: Assistant

Invites: Calls for

Dissertation: A long-written essay

Format: Pattern

Entertained: Aided

Minimum: At least, Smallest

The most: Maximum

For all the working hours: Full-timer

The process of making sure that everything is done correctly: Supervision

Short-listed: Selected, Chosen

Innovator: Pioneer

Regardless: Irrespective

Reserve: To book

Professional: Competent

Sound: Weighty

Canvassing: Asking somebody to support

Basis: Ground

Online: Connected to a computer

One who manages: Manager

One who has the power to execute a plan: Executive

A person who helps: Assistant

A person who directs and executes plans: Supervisor

Statutory: Permitted and Enacted

Tenure: Period of time

Very good: Excellent, Excellence and Extremely Good

Documents: Spoken or written personal information, Certificates, C.V

Minimise: To make something small

Photocopy: Xerox

Personally gifted money or any other thing: Bonus, Perk, Allowance

Queries: Questions

Submission: The action of submitting formally

Command: Ability to use or control something

Include: inclusive, incorporate, involve, Entail

Counterpart: Having the same function or post

Consensual: General agree with

Procure: Obtain something

Advocacy: Active support

Assessment: Evaluation

Proposal: Something presented for consideration

Dynamic: Having a strong personality

Organisation: Company, Firm, institution, Business house, Set up

Assessed: Evaluated, Judged

Merits: Plus, Qualities

Chief: Major

Additional: Extra

Amenities: Facilities

Thorough: Detailed

Occupation: Employment, Profession

Finally: Eventually

Committed:  Dedicated

Devotion: Dedication

Brief: Short

Research: An organised study

Centre: Middle

Knowledge: Learning

Capacity: Ability

Available: Able to be obtained

Software: Computing data, Programmes etc.

Job letter: Application


              Vacancy Announcement

Questions related to the post

▪︎  What is the post?

▪︎ What is the advertised post?

▪︎  What is the post advertised?

▪︎  What is the required post?

▪︎  Which post or posts does the company require?

▪︎  What is the vacant post?

▪︎  What is the advertisement about?

▪︎  What does the institute need?

▪︎  How many people are needed for this post?

Questions related to the company

▪︎  What does the company do?

▪︎  Who has advertised this post?

▪︎  Who has invited the applicants?

▪︎  Which company has advertised for the post of ........?

▪︎  Who is seeking ........?

▪︎  Who has advertised this vacant post for whom?

▪︎  Where is the company located?

▪︎  Where to apply?

▪︎  Who should the application be addressed to?

Question-related to Qualification or Experience

▪︎  What is the qualification needed for the post?

▪︎  What are the required qualifications and experience for the post?

▪︎  What is the common qualification required for both posts?

▪︎  Beside the major qualification, what should the candidate possess?

▪︎  What are the requirements for the post?

▪︎  What is the required qualification?

▪︎  What type of experience should the candidate have?

Questions related to the documents

▪︎  What are the things necessary to apply for the post?

▪︎  What other things should be submitted along with the application?

▪︎  Mention the things that are necessary to be submitted along with the application.

▪︎  What should be attached to the application?

▪︎  What else should be sent with the application?

Question-related to the Date and Address

▪︎  When should I apply?

▪︎  When should the candidate apply?

▪︎  What is the last date of submission?

▪︎  What is the deadline for applications?

▪︎  When should I apply?

▪︎  When and where to contact?

▪︎  When should applicants apply?

▪︎  At what time can the candidate apply?

Question-related to the Salary

▪︎  How much is the salary?

▪︎  What is the salary provided by the company?

▪︎  How much remuneration is fixed for the post?

▪︎  What is the provided salary, emolument, or remuneration?

Question-related to the Candidate

▪︎  Who can apply?

▪︎  What type of candidate is required?

▪︎  Who is called for the interview?

▪︎  What is the age bar of the candidate?



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