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Compulsory English Class 12 Model Questions and Answers 2079 | Neb Compulsory English Class 12 Short Stories
Compulsory English Model Question 2079| Neb Class 12 (Short Stories)
1. Describe how the young couple’s house looked like. (Neighbours)
The young couple's house looked small and beautiful. The high ceilings and pane windows gave the feel of an elegant cottage.
2. How did the young couple identify their neighbours in the beginning of their arrival? (Neighbours)
In the beginning of their arrival, the young couple identified their neighbours in a very disgusting and negative way. They were disturbed by both neighbours on their right and left. They felt shocked to find their neighbours.
3. How did the neighbours help the young couple in the kitchen garden? (Neighbours)
The neighbours helped the young couple in the kitchen garden by advising them on the ways of spacing, hilling, and mulching the garden. A big black neighbouring woman provided them with a bagful of garlic cloves to plant.
4. Why were the people in the neighborhood surprised at the role of the young man and his wife in their family? (Neighbours)
The people in the neighbourhood were surprised at the role of the young man and his wife in the family because they found unusual examples of a man doing household tasks at home while his wife worked outside.
5. How did the neighbours respond to the woman’s pregnancy? (Neighbours)
The people in the neighbourhood were surprised at the role of the young man and his wife in the family because they found unusual examples of a man doing household tasks at home while his wife worked outside.
6. Why did the young man begin to weep at the end of the story? (Neighbours)
The young man began to weep at the end of the story because he found unexpected support from his neighbours, especially during his child's birth. He realised the value of human relationships.
7. Why was Mrs. Baroda unhappy with the information about Gouvernail’s visit to their farm? (A Respectable Woman)
Mrs. Baroda was unhappy with the information about Gouvernail’s visit to their farm because she had planned to take a rest and converse with her husband after their busy winter.
8. How was Gouvernail different from Mrs. Baroda’s expectations? (A Respectable Woman)
Gouvernail was different from Mrs. Baroda's expectations, as he didn't have such qualities as Mrs. Baroda had expected before. She pictured him unconsciously as slim, tall, and cynical, with eyeglasses and hands in his pockets. But, at the first meeting, she found him different from her expectations. She found him slim, neither tall nor cynical.
9. Why and how did Mrs. Baroda try to change Gouvernail’s solitary habits? (A Respectable Woman)
Mrs. Baroda tried to change Gouvernail's solitary habits because she preferred him to be more demanding and interesting. Actually, Mrs. Baroda became quite tired of finding her guest (Gouvernail) uninterested.
10. Why is Gaston surprised with his wife’s expression towards the end of the story? (A Respectable Woman)
Gaston is surprised by his wife's expression towards the end of the story because his wife's expression was quite puzzling enough for him to understand. Her strange expression in a delightful tone makes Gaston feel surprised.
11. How did the morning papers bring ambiance of celebration in the Varma family? (A Devoted Son)
The morning paper created an ambiance of celebration in the Varma family by creating a joyful environment among members regarding Rakesh's achievements in his academic life. The newspaper contained the news of Rakesh's highest pass marks in the whole country.
12. Why was Rakesh’s success a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood? (A Devoted Son)
Rakesh's success was a special matter of discussion in the neighbourhood because Rakesh was the first son in Varma's family to pass his higher education with top marks in the whole country. His parents had played a very vital role in shaping his academic career through their hard work. The people in the neighbourhood liked Rakesh and his manners. For the people of the neighbourhood, Rakesh's success was a source of pride.
13. How does the author make fun with the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’? (A Devoted Son)
The author makes fun of the words ‘America’ and ‘the USA’ by presenting Mr. Varma's opinions regarding them. According to the author, Mr. Varma has never called the country's name America. He has only learned to say 'The USA'. For Varma, those neighbours who are ignorant only say America. He asks all his family members to say 'The USA' only. The word 'America' is prohibited in his dictionary.
14. Describe how Rakesh rises in his career. (A Devoted Son)
Rakesh comes from a very poor family background. He has been quite a hardworking and brilliant student since his childhood. His attachment to his family is so deep. He loves and respects his family members a lot. Due to his parents' sacrifices as well as his hard work, he gets top marks in his higher education in the whole country. Later on, through his MD thesis, he gets a chance to win a scholarship and do his further study of medical education in the USA. After his education, he gets a chance to work in the best hospitals. After his return to his homeland, he starts his job in the city hospital. He gets a promotion in the city hospital and becomes a director. Later on, he starts his clinic and gains his name, fame, and money.
15. What does the map look like and how do Evans and Hooker interpret it? (The Treasure in the Forest)
The map looks like an old piece of rough paper. It is yellow and has creases due to many foldings. The sketch on the map is so blurred. Evans and Hooker interpret it by predicting the locations of different places around them.
16. How did Evans and Hooker know about the treasure? (The Treasure in the Forest)
Evans and Hooker knew about the treasure by listening to the secret talks of the three Chinese men in the forest. The three Chinese men were sitting in front of a fire just behind some bushes and talking quietly about the treasure in an English accent. Both Evans and Hooker moved towards them stealthily and heard their plan related to the hidden Spanish treasure.
17. Describe Evans dream. (The Treasure in the Forest)
Evans saw quite a strange and mysterious dream while sitting on the boat. After closing his eyes, he saw different things in his dream, one after another. He saw the forest scene at first, where he and his friend Hooker were searching for something. Both of them saw three Chinese men behind some bushes who were sitting in front of a fire and talking quietly about the treasure in an English accent. They moved closer to them so they could hear them properly. They got some ideas related to Spanish treasures from Chinese men. Next, Evans finds himself catching the neck of Chang Hi in his dream. Chang Hi cried with the pleading words 'No' and 'Please'. But Evans killed him. Next, he saw immense gold everywhere. Finally, he saw a terrible monstrous form of Chang Hi with a tail. Chang Hi seemed to be smiling mysteriously and calling out Evans's name.
18. In what condition did the treasure hunters find the dead man? (The Treasure in the Forest)
The treasure hunters found the dead man in a very miserable state. His dead body was lying just behind the thick bushes. The colour of the dead body's face was black and purple. It was almost a month old.
19. How were Evans and Hooker poisoned? (The Treasure in the Forest)
Evans and Hooker were poisoned quite unknowingly. They got poised one after another. Evans got poisoned in the hole by Dyak's thorns twice on his finger, while Hooker got poisoned outside in the ground while picking gold bars.
20. How does the narrator describe his feeling at the arrival of his old home? (My Old Home)
At first, the narrator describes his feelings in a very depressing way. He describes his depressed feelings at first seeing an unprogressive, desolate, and scattered village under the clouds, which seems lifeless to him. But later on, he describes his joyous feelings regarding the past beauty of his old home, which he used to recall time and again in his life. He expresses that his attitude has changed after a long time, and he has come in an unhappy mood.
21. What were the three kinds of servants in China then? What does it indicate about contemporary Chinese society? (My Old Home)
The three kinds of servants were full-timers, dailies, and part-timers in China then. It indicates the poverty as well as the feudalistic system of contemporary Chinese society.
22. What makes the narrator nostalgic? What did he do with Runtu in the teenage? (My Old Home)
The information from the narrator's mother regarding Runtu makes the narrator nostalgic. When his mother informs him about the curiosity of Runtu to meet him, he sees Runtu in his reminiscence. He passed his time and enjoyed a lot with Runtu in his teenage years, playing and learning various strange things from him.
23. How did Runtu hunt a Zha in his young age? (My Old Home)
Runtu hunted a zha using his steel pitchfork at a young age. He tried to thrust Zha with his full might using his tricks. He used to guard watermelons on the sandy bank of the sea.
24. According to the narrator, what were different factors that made Runtu a poor man throughout his life? (My Old Home)
According to the narrator, the following were different factors that made Runtu a poor man throughout his life:
▪︎ Poverty
▪︎ Big family
▪︎ Social responsibilities
▪︎ Class differences
Different other factors, such as famines, taxes, soldiers, bandits, officials, landed gentry, etc. All those factors squeezed him a lot in his life.
25. How does the narrator help Runtu before leaving the old home? (My Old Home)
The narrator helps Runtu by providing him with old furniture items and other things from his old house. Before leaving, he asks Runtu to take the things he needs from his old house.
26. How does the tourist describe his initial impression of the Kathmandu valley? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
The tourist describes his initial impression of the Kathmandu valley by displaying his joyous mood. The aesthetic beauty of the green valley with its geometric fields, different colours of the houses, and the scent of soil and mountains in the air make him so joyous. He feels an age-old peacefulness in the atmosphere of Kathmandu Valley.
27. According to the tourist, why is the West indebted to the East? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
According to the tourist, the West is indebted to the East because the East has provided a great contribution to the West. He believes that the East has provided the West with many wonderful things, such as the Purans, civilization, images of brass and ornaments of ivory, palm leaf manuscripts, copperplate inscriptions, etc.
28. What are the different kinds of communities in the Kathmandu valley and how do they co-exist with each other? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
Aryans, non-Aryans, Hindus, and Buddhists are the different kinds of communities in the Kathmandu valley, and they co-exist with each other by living a peaceful, harmonious life for ages.
29. What does the tourist feel about the temple of Adinath? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
The tourist feels that the temple of Adinath is a living example of Nepalese people's tolerance and coexistence.
30. Why does the guide take the tourist to the remote village? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
The guide takes the tourist to the remote village to show him the pulse of reality, such as poor people's lives, poverty, hard labour, miserable living styles, and the reality behind the eyes of the poor.
31. What are the differences between the paralyzed child and his sister? (The Half-Closed Eyes of the Buddha and the Slowly Sinking Sun)
Following are the differences between the paralysed child and his sister:
The paralysed child is suffering from polio, whereas his sister is disease-free.
The paralysed child has useless body parts except for his eyes. He can't speak, move his hands, chew his food, or even spit. But his sister has a fit and fine body that functions properly. She can do everything in comparison to her brother.
32. Describe the strange old man as Pelayo and his wife first encounter within their courtyard. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)
The old man seems like a ragpicker. He is in the mud with dirty clothes. He has a few hairs left on his bald skull and very few teeth in his mouth. He seems quite feeble and pitiable, whose enormous wings are half-plucked and entangled in the mud. He speaks quite an incomprehensible dialect, which sounds like a strong sailor's voice.
33. Why did Pelayo and Elisenda imprison the old man in the chicken coop? (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)
Pelayo and Elisenda imprisoned the old man in the chicken coop because the neighbouring woman's words regarding the old man's arrival made them feel quite fearful about their newly born baby.
34. State the irritating things that the people did with the strange old man. (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)
The irritating things that the people did with the strange old man are as follows:
They tried to pull out his feathers to touch defective parts and throw stones at the old man to make him stand.
They used hot iron pokers to prod him.
35. How and why was the woman changed into a spider? (A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings)
The woman was changed into a spider due to her disobedience towards her parents as well as the lightning bolt of brimstone. Once, during her childhood, she went stealthily to attend a dance without her parents' permission. While returning to her home through the wood, a fearful thunderclap ripped the sky surface, which allowed a lightning bolt of brimstone through the crack to strike and change her into a spider.
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