Story Writing Set 5 | The King and The Spider | Two Friends and A Bear | Compulsory English Class See | 9 | 8 by Suraj Bhatt

Neb English Notes

Story Writing Set 5 | The King and The Spider | Two Friends and A Bear | Compulsory English Class See | 9 | 8 by Suraj Bhatt

The King and The Spider

Two Friends and A Bear

Develop readable stories based on the given outlines. 


A king……….enemies defeat him six times…… hides in a cave……… sees a spider……….. climbing the wall…………fails for six times ………. succeeds on the 7th attempt ………. the king learns a lesson. …….. collects courage and attacks enemies……… succeed…….. moral.

                The King and the Spider

A long time ago, there was a king named Rajaram. He was quite a popular king. All the citizens of his kingdom praised him a lot. He was such a frank and generous king. He helped poor people most of the time. No one returned from his kingdom empty-handed who came there to ask for help. Seeing his popularity, most neighbouring kings felt quite jealous of him. Once, a team of neighbouring kings decided to attack his kingdom with their large number of armies. All of them attacked the king's kingdom at night. Rajaram fought bravely against his enemies. But he was defeated at last and lost his kingdom. He tried his best to regain his kingdom, but failed six times. Whenever he tried to invade the territory of his enemies, he had to escape. After losing the battle six times, he decided to hide himself in a cave. While spending his time inside the cave, he saw a spider and its efforts. He saw the hardships of a spider. The spider tried to climb a wall. During climbing, the spider failed six times. It tried to climb up the wall but fell six times. It didn't accept its failure and tried the seventh time. Finally, on the seventh trail, it succeeded in reaching the top of the wall. Seeing the example of an insect and its hard work, the king learned a lesson. The example of a spider encouraged him a lot. He collected his courage and attacked his enemies once again. This final time, he fought with his full courage and became successful in regaining his kingdom.

Moral: We shouldn't lose our hopes.


b. Two friends meet a bear….one climbs a tree …the other lies down as if dead….the bear smells his limbs…..goes away…..the first man comes down and asks….what the bear said……"beware of friends who run away in danger."…..moral       

                Two Friends and A Bear

Once upon a time, there were two friends. They lived in a village named Ramnagar. Once, they were walking through the forest to reach the town on the other side. Both of them knew that anything dangerous could happen to them at any time in the forest. They both promised each other that they would remain united in any case of upcoming danger. While moving ahead on their way, they saw a movement in the big bushes. They felt quite fearful and paused themselves. A bit later, they saw a large bear approaching them. Seeing the bear coming closer, one of the friends ran from the spot and started to climb a nearby tree. But another friend paused himself there because he did not know how to climb. He made excellent use of his mind very quickly. He laid himself down on the ground, breathless, pretending to be a dead man. The bear came near him and started inspecting him. The bear smelled in his ears for a few seconds. After that, it slowly left the place. Then, his friend came down and asked his friend," What did the bear tell you into your ears?" So another friend replied, "The bear advised me not to believe a false friend." He knew that true friends always support you whenever you need help.

Moral: We shouldn't believe a false friend.



Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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