Essay on Football | Games I Like Most | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 | 9 and SEE by Suraj Bhatt

Essay on Football | Games I Like Most | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 | 9 and SEE by Suraj Bhatt
Neb English Notes

Essay on Football | Games I Like Most | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 | 9 and SEE by Suraj Bhatt

Essay on Football | Games I Like Most

Football is a very popular game. From a very young age, a child becomes interested in playing with a ball. It has become a very popular game in schools, too. Nowadays, every school has football teams.
The game is played between two teams. Each team consists of eleven players. Both teams try to move the ball towards their opponent's goal post to make goals. The ball is made up of leather with a rubber bladder inside it. Air is pumped into the bladder. The fields are generally one hundred yards long and fifty-five yards wide. Two goal posts with a bar over them are placed at each end of the two opposite sides.
There is one goalkeeper and two fullbacks, with two stoppers between them. There are three linemen and three forwards in a team. In the game, the team stands face-to-face on their respective issues. The players of each team try to kick the ball inside the goal post of the opposite team. The team that scores the largest number of goals becomes the winner. If the goal scored by both teams is equal, it is known as a draw. Sometimes, neither side scores a goal. This is also known as a draw game. Generally, the time for a game is ninety minutes. If the game is in a drawn state, some fixed time is allotted as extra time. The game is played in two halves. With five to ten minutes as a break. During the play, only the goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hand. During the play, no other player is allowed to touch the ball with their hands. There is a referee to supervise the game. There are two linesmen who help the referee. In the competition game, the winners are awarded shields, cups, medals, and trophies.
Nepal is doing pretty well in the football game. Though not sufficiently, the government is taking a keen interest in its developments. The Nepalese youth have also done considerably well in national and international-level matches. If a little more attention is given by the government and the players are given better encouragement, we can hope to make a lot of progress in football.

My Favourite Game
The game I like best
There are many types of games. Some are outdoor games, and some are indoor. Outdoor games are played outside the house, like football, volleyball, cricket, etc. Indoor games are played inside the house, like Ludo, dice, chess, etc. I like almost all outdoor games. Among them, I like football very much. It is a famous game in the world.
I am a good player in football. There is a big playground in my school where we go and play football. I play football almost every day. I have many friends. They are all football players. We have a good football team. We have won many matches. I have won many prizes and cups in football.
I have been interested in football since my childhood. My elder brother impressed me enough to play football. I used to see football matches on TV. I like this game because it is one of the most popular games in the world.
Millions of people around the world are interested in playing and watching football matches. A good football player is famous all over the world. All like him.
Two teams of eleven each play it. A team consists of five forwards, three half-backs, two full-backs, and one goalkeeper. There are not many complicated rules. The players kick the ball with their feet. They cannot touch the ball with their hands, but the goalkeeper can use his hands to catch the football. The players shouldn't push the other players deliberately. If there is a foul by a player, another team is given the chance to kick the ball.
Football is popular among young people. It makes us strong and healthy. A good team always becomes the winner.



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