Essay on My First Day at School | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Notes

Essay on My First Day at School | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes

Essay on My First Day at School | Neb Compulsory English Class 8 by Suraj Bhatt Neb English Notes

My First Day at School 


My First Day at School

I still remember my first day at school. I was about five years old. I was learning to read and write at home with a teacher. I heard my parents say that I wanted to go to school. A week ago, I was made a school uniform. Even though I was very young, I was very excited to go to school. My sister was studying in the 5th grade at the same school.

That day, my mother bathed me, and I put on my uniform. We had breakfast together. My father was about to take me to school, but I insisted that my mother should go too. In the end, all four of us went to school. We took a taxi. I was carrying my school bag along with some exercise books and a tiffin. I kept on carrying the bag on my back, even in the taxi. When we reached school, my sister said goodbye to us and ran to her class. The three of us went to the headmaster's office, where a fat but tall woman with short hair sat by a large table. My parents were sitting on the chairs facing the lady. I sat on my father's lap.

My father started talking to the woman, but I looked around the wall. Many pictures were hanging on the wall. After some time, that lady asked me my name. I was given a bar of chocolate and taken to my class. The class teacher was kind. He made me sit in the first row. After this, my parents said goodbye to me and left me there. I was a little upset.
For a while, I felt lonely and thought I should go to my sister. Also, I was afraid that the teacher would not like it if I tried to go with my sister. I made up my mind to be there in my class. The students were nice and friendly. I started having fun with new friends.

On the first day, the teacher asked us our names and asked us to sing a song each. We were not taught by books that day.  During the lunch break, my sister came to me and took me to the canteen. We took our tiffin and went back to our classes. When it was 3 o'clock, my mother came to pick us up. We took a taxi and returned home.


Thanks for Visiting my Website: Suraj Bhatt

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