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Neb English Notes |
Story Writing Set: 8
Compulsory English Class 8 | 9 & SEE
Three Greedy Friends
The Farmer and His Lazy Sons
Neb English Notes
Three Greedy Friends
Write a story using the clues given below.
Three men passing through a forest ...... find a bag of money ......... divide it ......... hungry ......... one to buy food ........ temptation ..... poisoning food ......... others plan to murder him ....... returns ........ murdered ...... eat food ..... all die ........ moral
Three Greedy Friends
A long time ago, there lived three friends in a village named Haripur. They were poor. They decided to go to the city to earn money. When they were walking through the forest's path, they found a bag of money. They decided to divide the money in the bag equally among them. Due to their continuous walk, they were quite tired and hungry. They decided to have food. One of them was sent to a neighbouring village to buy food. The other two friends stayed there in the forest. After buying food, he thought to kill his two friends by putting poison in the food. He wanted to have all that money after killing them. So, he mixed some poison into the food. On the other hand, the other two friends also decided to kill their friend as soon as he returned there. After killing him, they wanted to divide the money between the two of them. When he reached his friends, bringing poisoned food, they immediately murdered him and ate that food happily. Soon, they also died because of that poisoned food. The money bag was left unclaimed.
Moral: Conspiracy and greed are the signs of destruction. They bring bad results to our lives.
The Farmer and His Lazy Sons
Develop the story with the outlines given below.
A farmer with several sons ....... sons always quarrelled ........ farmer sad ....... fell ill and taken to hospital ............ dying ........... called his sons ........... gave a bundle of sticks ..... told them to break the sticks ......... all tried ......... could not break ............ untied the bundle ..... gave the sticks separately ......... easily broke each stick ........ moral.
The Farmer and His Lazy Sons
Once, there was a poor farmer in one village. He was very hard-working and laborious. He had several sons. Having seen his sons' activities, he was not happy. He was sad. Although all his sons were healthy and well-built, they were very lazy and used to quarrel with each other. In this way, they were wasting their time in vain. Even if their father advised them several times not to do so, it did not have any effect on them. They turned a deaf ear to his valuable suggestion. The poor farmer was sad thinking about their future.
One day, the farmer fell sick and was taken to the hospital. He was dying. He decided to teach his sons a lesson before his death. When he was on his death bed, he told them to bring a bundle of dry sticks. When a bundle of sticks was brought, he called all his sons. When they came in front of him, he asked them to break the bundle of sticks. All of them tried their best, but despite their youthful strength, none could break the bundle. Then the farmer ordered them to untie the bundle and break the sticks separately. When the bundle was untied, they easily broke the sticks one after another without any difficulty. From that day on, the sons never quarrelled, knowing the value of unity.
Moral: If we are united, no one can harm us. If we divide, we fall apart and become weak. So, the serious and important lesson we learn from the above story is that unity is strength.
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