Unit 6 Class 10 English: Food and Cuisine | Strange Food from Around the World | Neb English Notes

Unit 6 Class 10 English: Food and Cuisine | Strange Food from Around the World | Neb English Notes
Neb English Notes

Unit 6 Class 10 English: Food and Cuisine | Strange Food from Around the World | Neb English Guide

Unit 6 Class 10 English: Food and Cuisine

Reading I

Answer the following questions.

a. What are the common food items in Nepal? Which one is your favourite?


The common food items in Nepal are as follows.

Momos, Samosas, Pani Puri, Dal Bhat, Khaja set, Chatamari, Thukpa, Fried Rice, Vegetable curry, Meat Items etc. My favourite is samosa.

b. Have you ever eaten any dish that is quite uncommon in Nepal? If yes, what is it? How does it taste?


Yes, I have eaten a dish that is quite uncommon in Nepal. It is called Fuli. It is made with the mixture of soybean and gravy flour. This dish is tasteless but needs chilli pickle soup to make it rich with taste.

Strange Food from Around the World

A. Match the words in 'Column A' with their meanings in ‘Column B'.

Column A                       Column B

a. ferment ii. to go through a chemical change

b. squid iii. a sea creature that has a long soft body, eight arms and two tentacles around its mouth

c. witchetty i. a large whitish wood-eating larva of a beetle or moth

d. myrtle vi. a bush with shiny leaves, pink or white flowers and blue-black berries

e. congeal iv. to change from a fluid to a solid state

f. nutty v. having a flavor like that of nuts

B. The idiom 'a bridge too far' in the text means ‘something that is too extreme’. Match the following idioms with their meanings.


a. get out of hand iv. to become difficult to control

b. miss the boat v. to be too late to get what you want

c. break the ice i. to say or do something to make people feel comfortable

d. cry over spilt milk iii. to worry over past events which cannot be changed

e. look before you leap ii. to think about the possi- ble bad results of an action before doing it

C. Complete the sentences helow with the correct information from the text in not more than four words.

a. Sometimes even having a food can give us the feeling of ................. when it is like taking a risk.


b. When we travel we have the chance to ..................... which we even do not think of eating.

take some strange food stuffs 

c. The writer became disappointed while having .................. which was really bad.

fermented horse milk in Mongolia 

d. The writer's impression of the Japanese food is .....................

positive ( not mentioned in the text )

e. Many people think ................ as scary ones which Chinese turn into food.


f. Snails become very tasty when they are fried with .........................

plenty of garlic and butter

D. Answer the following questions.

a. Why does food become a challenge for people when they travel?


Food becomes a challenge for people when they travel because they may have difficulty finding familiar foods in unfamiliar environments.

b. How is haggis prepared?


Haggis is prepared by grinding various parts of sheep, such as the heart, liver and lungs, and mixing it with mutton fat, oatmeal and spices.  The mixture is then packed into the sheep's stomach and boiled for a few hours.

c. When do you feel that you like shiokara?


I feel that I like Shiokara when the writer expresses his experience regarding S hiokara. According to him, this dish takes on a whole new beauty once we get used to it and have it with good conversation.

d. Where can people enjoy the bush food?


People can enjoy the bush food in Australia.

e. Why does the writer find it difficult to eat larger insects?


The writer finds it difficult to eat larger insects because he is not used to eating such foods of larger insects.  These insects require more than one bite to be eaten.  This job is really challenging for him.

f. Name the country where snails are served as the main dish.


Snails are served as the main dish in France.

g. What kind of food is bun rieu?


Bun rieu is a crab-based traditional Vietnamese soup mixed with noodles.

h. If you have to choose one of the foods from the list above, which one do you choose? Why?


If I have to choose one of the foods from the list above, I choose the  because it is so tasty with all low-fat. This dish has the flavour of sesame oil which is served with salad and chicken.



E. Which of the dishes mentioned in the text did you find the strangest of all? Give reasons.


I found Crickets dish from Thailand the strangest of all. The writer has mentioned his experience of having larger insects dish and even his difficulty in eating. I'm not used to this kind of food item where insects are fried and eaten with much joy. 


Listen to your teacher and notice where the stress lies in these words.

amateur     badminton    Energy    gardener

industry      library            mystery  perfectly

government  quietly        character  terrible


amateur am·a·teur

badminton bad·min·ton

Energy en·er·gy

gardener gar·den·er

industry in·dus·try

library li·brar·y

mystery mys·ter·y

perfectly per·fect·ly

government gov·ern·ment

quietly qui'et•ly

character char·ac·ter

terrible ter·ri·ble


A. Practise the following conversations in pairs.

Conversation I

Teacher: Why are you late?

Student: Because I missed the bus, ma'am.

Teacher: It's okay. Be in time from the next day so that you won't miss the class.

Student: Okay. Ma'am.

Conversation II

Pramila: Why do you want to go to Kathmandu after SEE?

Kiran: Well, the reason is that I want to study there.

Pramila: We've good schools in Nepalgunj too.

Kiran: But, the point is my mother has been transferred to Kathmandu.

B. Study the situations below. Then have conversations in pairs. One of you will ask for the reason and the other will answer.

a. Your friend is sobbing.

b. Suman has sold his bike.

c. Sunita has bought a lot of chocolates.

d. A woman is planting some trees.

e. One of your friends wants to join the army.

f. The people were running hurriedly.

g. Sanskriti was taken to the office.

h. Pema went home early from school.


a. Your friend is sobbing.

I: Why are you sobbing?

Ram: Because I lost my wallet.

I: Haven't you tried finding it?

Ram: Yes, I have tried a lot. But it didn't help.

b. Suman has sold his bike.

Raj: Why did you sell your bike?

Suman: Well, the reason is that I needed money urgently. 

Raj: Money! Why?

Suman: I had to pay for my college admission.

c. Sunita has bought a lot of chocolates.

Rama: Why have you bought a lot of chocolates?

Sunita: Well, the reason is that it's my birthday.

Rama: Oh! Happy birthday to you. 

Sunita: Thank you very much.

d. A woman is planting some trees.

Jasmine: Why are planting trees here?

Woman: Well, the reason is that I like planting trees.

Jasmine: How many trees have you planted up to now?

Woman: Well, I have planted 436 trees up to now.

e. One of your friends wants to join the army.

I: What do you do after plus two?

Friend: Well, I want to join the army.

I: Why do you want to join the army?

Friend: Well, It is a very reputable job for all.

f. The people were running hurriedly.

I: Why were people running hurriedly?

Man: Well, it's because a bomb blasted at the middle of the market.

I: Oh! That's very bad. Was anyone injured in that blast?

Man: No injuries reported yet.

g. Sanskriti was taken to the office.

Sita: Why was Sanskriti taken to the office?

Rama: Well, the reason is that she didn't submit her Maths assignment.

Sita: She was so laborious student in grade 9. Why is so weak in grade 10?

Rama: It is because she is n't getting proper guidance at home.

h. Pema went home early from school.

Teacher: Why did you go home early from school?

Pema: Well, the reason is that my mother had called me that day.

Teacher: Did you inform your teacher about your leave?

Pema: Yes Sir. I did.



C. Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the following questions. You have to give reason while answering.


What kind of job do you like to do?

A: What job do you like to do?

B: I want to be a doctor because a doctor can best serve humanity.

a. Which subject do you like the most?

A: Which subject do you like the most?

B. I like English the most because this subject helps everyone in their life.

b. Where do you go shopping?

A: Where do you go shopping?

B: I go shopping in the Dreamshop department because they allow us 50% off on every sale.

c. How much water do you drink a day?

A: How much water do you drink a day?

B: I drink 4 litres of water a day because water consumption is very good and useful for our health. 

d. When do you like to go on a holiday?

A: When do you like to go on a holiday?

B: I like to go on a holiday in the spring season because the spring season is a quite suitable season for all.

e. What will you do after your SEE?

A: What will you do after your SEE?

B: After my SEE, I will join computer classes because computer knowledge is so essential for everyone at present. 

f. Who is your favourite actress?

A: Who is your favourite actress?

B: My favourite actress is Katrina because she is quite talented in her overall performance. 

Grammar I

A. Match the sentence halves in I and II to make a complete sentence.


           I                                               II

a. I bought a raincoat and an umbrella iii. ......... as the monsoon started.

b. I won't be able to get to school ix. ...... as I'm stuck in traffic.

c. The Nepali cricket team is likely to perform well in this tournament vi. ...... because they have got the best coach ever.

d. The construction company has deployed more workers at the site  iv. ......... so that they can complete the construction in time.

e. We've decided not to go on holiday this year i. ......... in order to utilise the time  for planting paddy.

f. The metropolitan city has planted trees at the side of the road viii. ..... to reduce traffic noise.

g. The flight had heen delayed  vii. ......... because of the bad weather.

h. We've put a table and chair in the spare bedroom x. ...... so that Samip can get to study in private.

i. Nisha went to visit her sister ii. ...... since she didn't have to go on time to her office yesterday.

j. We had to queue for two hours v. ................. since the movie was a hit.

B. Complete the text below choosing the correct connective from the brackets.


The people at the fair were leaving because the lights were going out. The last two people in dodgem cars also left as it was getting dark. The big wheel stopped and the merry-so-round had already stopped. The stalls closed down and the stall-owners went home. At 2 a.m. four nightwatchmen walked round the funfair to see if there was anyone to be seen. "I'm fed up walking around," one of them said, "What can we do as there is nothing we can do?" "We can sit and talk." They were bored because there was nothing to do on that quiet warm night. "We can have a ride on the merry-go-round!” one of them cried. "That'll be fun!" Three of them jumped on merry-go-round horses. So the fourth started the motor. Then he jumped on too and round they went. They were having the time of their lives. Suddenly they realized there was no one to stop the machine because all of them were on it. They weren't rescued till morning, so they felt very sick indeed!

Writing I

A. We can prepare carrot pudding (gajar haluwa) using milk, carrot, sugar, cardamom powder and ghee. The steps for cooking carrot pudding are given below. But, they are not in order. Put them in the correct order.


When carrot turns slightly golden brown, add milk.

Switch on the stove and melt ghee in a pan.

Add grated carrots and fry for about seven minutes.

Cook for four more minutes.

Cook this mixture till all milk dries up.

Turn off the stove, gajar haluwa is ready to serve.

Add sugar and cardamom powder after the milk dries up.



Switch on the stove and melt ghee in a pan.

Add grated carrots and fry for about seven minutes.

When carrot turns slightly golden brown, add milk.

Cook for four more minutes.

Cook this mixture till all milk dries up.

Add sugar and cardamom powder after the milk dries up.

Turn off the stove, gajar haluwa is ready to serve.

B. What is your favourite food? Write a recipe to prepare it. Mention the ingredients and the methods to cook it.


My favourite food is sweet boondi laddu. This is an Indian dish which is preferred by most people in Asia. Boondi laddu is a circular sweet dish made of various ingredients and sugar syrup or jaggery.  It has been described as "perhaps the most universal and ancient of Indian sweets".

The following are the ingredients to prepare laddu:

▪︎  2 1/2 cup gram flour (besan)

▪︎  1 1/2 teaspoon green cardamom

▪︎  3 cup ghee

▪︎  1/2 teaspoon edible food colour

▪︎  2 pinch baking soda

▪︎  For The Main Dish

▪︎  3 cup sugar

▪︎ 2 cup water

Method to prepare laddu.

Step no 1. Make The Boondi Batter

Take 2 1/2 cups of gram flour in a big bowl. Add orange colour to it and mix it well. Next, add some water and some baking soda. Blend the mixture well making sure no lumps remain.  Once the mixture has achieved a perfect consistency, it's time to move on to the next step.

Step no 2. Prepare The Boondi

Now heat ghee in a large deep frying pan. Place a perforated ladle over the oil and pour some batter. Let the boondi batter slowly fall into the oil and cook on low flame till it is cooked well. Once done, place the boondi on tissue paper to remove excess oil.

Step no 3: Prepare Sugar Syrup And Mix With The Boondis

Take a pan and add some water and sugar to it, let the mixture boil till it attains a two-string consistency. Put some cardamom powder in it and let it cook. Then add boondi and cook till the sugar syrup and boondi get completely mixed.  Cover it with a lid and turn off the gas.

Step no 4. Garnish And Relish!

Apply some ghee on your hands and start making laddus. Place them on an open tray and garnish with some crushed nuts and relish the goodness.

Reading II

You Inspire Others by Learning, not by Teaching

A. Complete the crossword puzzle with the help of the meanings given below.


3. a method of cooking meat or other food in a cylindrical clay oven tandoor 

7. a person having administrative or  supervisory power In an organiza-tion. executive 


1. a long pin for holding meat or other food while it Is being roasted skewer 

2. the whole of something entirety 

4. a feeling of pleasure and sometimes slight sadness at the same time as you think about things in the past nostalgia

5. raise to a more Important or im-pressive level elevate

6. remove water from (food) in order to preserve and store it dehydrate

B. Write True for true and False for false statements. If the information is not given in the text, write NG.

a. The interview was taken in Nepal.


b. The judges were quite impressed by Santosh Shah's performance in the quarter-finals. 


c. Santosh Shah was from a well-to-do family.


d. With the support of the chef in the tandoor section, Santosh started helping the Executive Chef.


e. The journey of Santosh to MasterChef was full of struggles.


f. Santosh is hopeful about the Nepali food market as the food trends are dynamic. 


g. Santosh has made more experiments on food as the tastes of people differ geographically.


h. Santosh feels sorry for serving octopus in Nepali style.


C. Answer these questions.

a. What do you think is the reason that heightened the popularity of Chef Shah?


I think Chef Shah's innovative combination of Nepali cuisine with international flavours and methods as well as his outstanding performance in MasterChef UK is the reason that heightened his popularity.

b. Did Shah spend a normal childhood? Why?


No, Shah didn't spend a normal childhood. It's because he had faced financial struggles and worked from a very young age to support his family.

c. How does Shah feel about his performance in Cinnamon Kitchen?


In Cinnamon Kitchen, Shah feels quite satisfied and proud of his performance to introduce Nepali food items to the world.

d. What does Shah want to show the world about Nepali food?


Shah wants to show the diversity and richness of Nepali food items to the world. He wants trends and promotions for Nepali food items at the international level.

e. Write two things that Chef Shah was careful about while carrying an experiment on sukuti.


Two things that Chef Shah was careful about while carrying an experiment on sukuti are as follows.

1. Soft texture of sukuti by dehydrating it.

2. Original taste of sukuti. 

f. According to Shah, what two things make a person successful?


According to Shah, two things that make a person successful are as follows.

1. Never stop learning or keep learning at any age.

2. Be a positive force on others.

g. Why does Shah want the Michelin Star for Ayla?


Shah wants the Michelin Star for Ayla because Michelin Star is the Oscar equivalent for Chefs which would further help elevate the profile of Nepali cuisine globally.

h. What have you learnt from the life story of Santosh Shah?


From the life story of Santosh Shah, I have learned several lessons which are as follows.

1. We have to do hard work in our life to overcome any challenging situations.

2. Determination and passion towards work can lead anyone towards success.

3. We should keep learning new things in our life.

4. Being true to culture, and helping others can lead to personal success.

D. Chef Shah cooked many dishes in the competition, If you were one of the judges in the competition, which food would you ask him to cook? Why? 


If I were one of the judges in the competition, I would ask him to cook chicken biryani. It is because this dish is one of my favourite dishes. This is an Indian dish which is a mixed rice dish originating among the Muslims of South Asia. It is made with Indian spices, vegetables, rice, and usually some type of meat (chicken, beef, goat, lamb, prawn, and fish), or in some cases without any meat, and sometimes, in addition, eggs and potatoes.

I have tasted various flavours of chicken biryani in my life except the Nepali flavour. I would like to have a Nepali flavour of chicken biryani from him.

Grammar ll

A. Choose the correct time expressions in the sentences below.

a. The boys are playing cricket (already/now).

The boys are playing cricket now.

b. The doctors are preparing a report for their most important patient (last/this] week.

The doctors are preparing a report for their most important patient this week.

c. The students are preparing for a test (at the moment/usually).

The students are preparing for a test at the moment.

d. (Currently / Sometimes) the economists are working on the country's financial crisis.

 Currently the economists are working on the country's financial crisis.

e. Susan is playing tennis with Tim (now/then).

Susan is playing tennis with Tim now.

f. What are you doing (this/next) afternoon?

What are you doing this afternoon?

g. My teacher is helping us with Maths problem (that/this) morning.

My teacher is helping us with Maths problem this morning.

h. The guard is ringing the bell (now / soon). It's time to go!

The guard is ringing the bell now. It's time to go!

i. She is (still/yet) mowing the lawn.

She is still mowing the lawn.



B. Write NOW if the sentence uses present continuous for action at the moment, AROUND, if action is around the current moment, or FUTURE, if the action is sheduled for future.


a. The local governments are announcing their policies this month.


b. I think Mr. Rai is taking class at the moment.


c. We're meeting with Nabina later today.


d. I'm looking for a new job currently.


e. We're organizing a programme on Wednesday.


f. They are coming home right now.


g. Mom is making dinner for us tonight.


h. I'm sorry I don't have time. I'm attending a meeting.


i. She's looking for a new home as she's sold the old one.


C. Complete the text below with the correct form of the verb given in the brackets.

Why is Neelam smiling? It sounds like an easy question: she is having a good time with friends and she feels good after a good shot. But psychologists often (argue) about this question. Some believe that smiling is an individual act: we smile because we feel happy unless we try to hide our emotions. Others claim that we smile to build social relationships. Some animals use a grin to show that they will not fight, for example. Perhaps our smile serves the same function. So, who's right? In one study, researchers filmed people bowling. If you watch pecple doing a very social activity like this, it looks as if they always smile. They stop smiling only when they concentrate on their next shot. But when de they start smiling again? After each good shot. the researchers took photographs to identify when the smile starts - while the player is still looking down the alley or a few seconds later when they turn round to share their happiness with the group.

Writing I

Nowadays, many Nepali prefer fast foods like noodles, pizza, burger, etc. to typical Nepali foods. This has an adverse effects on their health. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this claim? Write a couple of paragraphs giving reasons to support your view.


I fully agree with this claim that fast food items have an adverse effect on the health of Nepali people. In the present time, most Nepali people are addicted of taking fast food items. Fast food items have become an important part of people's everyday diets. From fast food chains to convenience stores, fast food items are easy to find. These items have a very high satisfactory value. Fast foods are tasty, affordable, and convenient. People are tempted to eat these items most time. Due to the high consumption of these items, Nepali people are suffering from varieties of diseases and losing their health conditions as well as wealth. They are on hospital beds curing their diseases. Following are some of the harmful effects of fast food items seen on the people of Nepal.

1. Constipation

2. Heart Disease and Stroke

3. Blood Sugar Spike

4. Dental Problems

5. Skin Issues

6. High Blood Pressure

7. Bloating and Puffiness

8. Increase in Anxiety

Thus, we should aim for high-fibre foods, moderate amounts of sugar and salt, and calcium-rich and iron-rich foods to build strong bodies and brains. Governments and researchers can help young people make healthy food choices to improve their health.

Extra bit

Commonly Misspelled Words in English

Correct Spelling    Common Misspelling 

absence                          absense 

leisure                            liesure

argument                      arguement

license                           lisense

beginning                      begining 

maintenance                maintainance

height                            hight 

modern                         morden

believe                          beleive 

noticeable                   noticable

calendar                      calender

occasion                     occassion

changeable                changable 

pastime                      pasttime

colleague                   collegue 

playwright                  playvwrite

deceive                      decieve 

receive                       recieve

existence                  existance

 separate                   seperate

experience                experiance

sincerely                   sinserely

grateful                     gratefull /greatful

truly                           truely



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